Installing autotools


From this post: If you have Xcode 4.3 or newer the command line tools, such as make, are not installed by default. In Xcode preferences go to the "Downloads" tab and under "Components" push the "Install" button next to "Command Line Tools". After you have successfully downloaded and installed the command line tools you should also type the following command in the Terminal to make sure all your Xcode command line tools are switched to use the 4.3 versions:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Once everything is successfully installed you should see make and other command line developer tools in /usr/bin.

Installing a C/C++ compiler

The easiest way to install a C/C++ compiler, and take care of the OpenMP dependency, is to install GCC version 4.7 or higher.

For Linux

Detailed instructions for installing gcc are found here.


From this post: If the user does not want to manually install gcc per these instructions, MacPorts may be used. Install MacPorts, then

sudo port install gcc47
This will install several binaries with the -mp-4.7 (as gcc-mp-4.7) You can then activate gcc 4.7 as default with
sudo port select gcc mp-gcc47
hash gcc

Installing OpenMP

OpenMP is included in gcc versions 4.7 and higher. See "Installing a C/C++ compiler" for details of installing gcc.